Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New member of the Jones Fam damily!

We on the spur of the moment kinda thing bought my new favorite thing! He is a bunny named Diesel and he is so sweet and cuddely!
Diesel with his mommy!

Playin' outside! (and yes that is a leash so I can take him on walks)

Isn't he so cute!

Giving hims kisses!


  1. so cute! much much better than that evil little prickley thing you got before ha ha. i had never seen anything so small hiss like that. ha, good times.





Oooh Laa Laa!

Oooh Laa Laa!

Hott shades babe!!!

Hott shades babe!!!

I love you paigey!!!

I love you paigey!!!

The result of being bored at work...

The result of being bored at work...

Mexico Baby!

Mexico Baby!
(So Fun)

Our friends Trev and Blaire!

Our friends Trev and Blaire!